Wednesday, May 11, 2016

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - GRIT - 05/11/16 - Sadell Bradley - New Life Covenant CIncinnati

GRIT is courage, mental toughness and resolve; strength of character.  When used as a verb, it means to clench the teeth, especially in order to keep one's resolve when faced with an unpleasant or painful duty- hence the colloquial phrase, "Grit it." This manager is gritting it by taking on painstaking, but necessary paperwork. Grit is required when we must tackle things that are not easy, but would be beneficial to our lives and goals.  When a deadline is fast approaching. When a bill or taxes must be paid. When we don't feel like exercising, studying, attending a function or following through on a project, plan or dream...we sometimes have to just grit it!  Willingness to grit says this is important.

The Bible is FULL of situations where people had to grit it.  Jonah didn't want to go to Ninevah to warn the people to repent, but was forced to grit it after his whale experience. Esther didn't want to risk death to ask the king to save her people, but resolved, "If I perish, I perish." Ananias didn't want to heal Saul, who was killing and persecuting Christians. Many prophets where given Words to Israel that were unpleasant at best, and filled with judgment at worst. God had crazy ways to communicate His message.  Hosea had to marry and stay with Gomer, an adulterous prostitute, just to reflect God's eternal and unconditional love. Now, that's some grit!

Even Jesus had to grit it. If HE had to, why do you think you don't?  Preparing to go to the cross, in the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed, "If it be possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want Your will to be done, not mine." (Matthew 26:39) He decided, as an innocent man to take on and forgive the sins of the entire world forever. Now that's True Grit. This meme says G.R.I.T. is guts, resilience, initiative and tenacity.  In Christ, it also takes Grace, Resolve, Integrity, and Trust to do the thing and become the person God is calling for when times are hard, you're struggling with doubts and your strength is failing. If that's you, don't give up, just GRIT IT. 

The Great Room
9:30 AM Youth Room 
225 Wyoming Ave
      Cincinnati OH 45215
(Presbyterian Church of Wyoming)

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WEDNESDAY'S WORD - WAIT - Sadell Bradley - 03/05/2025

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