Wednesday, March 23, 2016

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - BIPARTISAN- 03/23/16- Sadell Bradley - New Life Covenant Cincinnati

Bipartisan means of or involving an agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each others policies. They cooperate by arriving at a compromise when deciding upon an issue.  Our teachers made us do that in elementary school. We were taught to settle our disputes and come to an agreement, often by making concessions. We learned that certain things were true regardless of what side we were on.  This type of compromise was hailed as a sign of maturity back then. Partisanship poses a stark contrast, an individual or party adheres only to their interests, and is unwilling to synergize for a greater effect in a particular cause.

I am struck by how easy it is to agree and cooperate for the sake of evil, both now and in Bible times. I'm reflecting on how the collaboration of opposing groups with differing agendas brought about Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus knew what was coming, "As you know the Passover is two days away-and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified." (Matt. 26:2)

The Chief Priests and Elders, led by Caiaphas, were plotting to arrest and kill Jesus secretly (vs.3-4) Judas, one of Jesus' disciples, was ready to betray Him for 30 pieces of silver. (vs. 14-16) This collusion, along with false accusations and a mistrial, (vs.57-67) was achieved through immoral and malevolent means by parties who came together on the surface...but whose motives were their own greed and revenge (sound familiar?) Peter and the other disciples
were unwitting accessories through their denial and abandonment of Jesus in crisis. (vs.69-75) Pontius Pilate and his soldiers were used to carry out the dirty work, though his wife plead for Jesus to be released because of His innocence (Matt. 27:11-26) Everyone knew what was and was not right. Everyone knew that Jesus was blameless. Yet the greatest good that was ever in the world was still slain! God knew what our sinful humanity would do, and in His wisdom would redeem us despite our wicked fraternization. I pray He does it again...and that we learn from this telling history.

Thank you! to all who participated in New Life Covenant's 3rd Anniversary Worship Night, Sunday Service, and 30 for $30 Campaign!!! If you forgot to donate you can still do so. DONATE HERE .

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WEDNESDAY'S WORD - WAIT - Sadell Bradley - 03/05/2025

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