An ASSIGNMENT is a task or piece of work appointed or designated to someone as a part of a job or a course of study. We were given homework assignments to help to track our retention of the material.
Some assignments were individual. The responsibility rested solely on
us. In group assignments we received a grade based on the full
participation of each group member. If one person lagged in the
assignment, the others suffered. Ever had an assignment from the
Lord that you didn't want and wished to transfer? or been affected when
others failed to do their part?
Sometimes we reject assignments for various, we believe legitimate, reasons. Moses felt inadequate to fulfill God's assignment because of his birth history, criminal record, and speech impediment. (Exodus 3-4) Jeremiah disqualified himself because of his youth. (Jeremiah 1) Jonah hated the people God called him to. He didn't want to see them saved. He tried to avoid his assignment and jeopardized his and others lives in the process. (Jonah 1-3) The Apostles in great peril were assigned to establish the New Testament Church. Through threat of imminent torture and death they completed their assignment. The Lord's assignments require a deep relationship of trust, courage and
New Life Covenant's Annual 30 for $30 Campaign is starting!
For the next 30 days up to our 3rd Anniversary, we are asking friends
and family to support our local missions projects for 2016 with a
donation of $30 or more.
At CAIN (Churches Active In Northside) Ministry, we served 117 people 191 meals including carry out and seconds! CLICK HERE TO DONATE

New Life Covenant Cincinnati
Sundays at 11:00 AM
1660 Blue Rock Street
Cincinnati OH 45223
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