Tuesday, November 14, 2023

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - SAGA- Sadell Bradley - 11/15/2023





"The Star Wars Saga is about a series of seemingly chance encounters. They impact the destiny of everyone involved."—Kathleen Kennedy - President, Lucasfilms







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Some of us can remember the first time we experienced the spectacle that is Star Wars. Released in 1977, the movie was unlike anything we'd ever witnessed: flying space vehicles that hovered over sand dunes, light sabers, and "The Force." It had characters both human and alien, whom we grew to know, love, and hate. Star Wars captured the world's collective imagination and still holds it. It's hard to believe this idea floating in the mind of George Lucas has, over 46 years, spawned 12 films and 9 TV series. The franchise has grossed 10.3 Billion dollars and counting...Some would say Star Wars is a never-ending SAGA- a long story of heroic achievement; an involved story, account, or series of events. Some are ready for it to end ; )

Lucasfilms President, Kathleen Kennedy, says Star Wars is a saga about a series of seemingly chance encounters that impact the destiny of everyone involved. That's not just a powerful quote; it's the way life works. Think about how you came to be who, and where you are today. Many of the experiences that have shaped you came from meetings and exchanges with people you did not previously know. Someone opened a door, made a way, or provided a need for you. Another invited you into their circle of friendship, power, influence, or wisdom. You've done the same for others. All of us are not just creating an individual life—through our connections and encounters, our trials and triumphs; even on days when it seems nothing's happening...we are writing portions of a saga some call fate, others destiny.

Throughout Scripture, we see these "chance encounters." Elisha is called from scooping up dung behind some oxen to serve as the mentee of the prophet Elijah. (1 Kings 19) Ruth, a poor widow gleaning in the fields, encounters her future husband, Boaz. (Ruth 2) Joseph is suddenly promoted when the Cup Bearer he's helped while in prison calls him up to what becomes a ruling role in Pharaoh's palace. (Gen. 41) Esther is placed in Persian King Xerxes' Harem, and after being chosen as Queen, she delivers her people from annihilation. (Esther 8) Jesus takes an unnamed boy's lunch and miraculously feeds 15k people. (Matt.14) These are a few opportune, Heaven-sent, moments in the Bible ...not the least of these is when a group of fisherman aree told by a Rabbi named Jesus, "Come, follow Me and I will make you to become fishers of men." (Mark 1:17) A chapter might be written in the saga of your life or mine through a chance encounter even today.

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