Tuesday, August 30, 2022

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - CODE - Sadell Bradley 08/31/2022





“Don't violate your own code of values and ethics, but don't waste energy trying to get other people to violate theirs.”— Melodie Beattie, American Writer 

Sisterhood is that feeling of closeness and community that we feel when we gather together with women who seek to know and love Jesus Christ and each other. The Sisterhood Breakfast is a time where women of all ages, races, and stages can laugh, love, share a meal, learn and grow together. We'd love to have you join us please RSVP HERE  Now on to the blog...

When the word CODE is spoken, it means a myriad of things. Accountants think of the Tax Code. The military operates by a code of conduct. Scientists practice genetic coding, while IT folks program in code. African-Americans might think of 'code-switching'—the effectiveness with which they can change their language and mannerisms depending on their audience. Musical lyrics are a type of code. Politician Alexandria Cortez said, "I was born in a zip code that determines your destiny." We don't often talk about our codes, but we all have them. A CODE can be a system of substituted words, letters, figures, or symbols, especially for the purpose of secrecy. We use safety codes on our phones, computers, and homes. In wartime, messages were sent by Morse code to confuse the enemy. Codes classify and identify us. They are sets of systematic laws, standards, regulations, or conventions that govern the behavior and activity of individuals, families, workplaces, classes, societies, and even churches and religious systems. We all operate by codes.

"If someone hits you, you'd better hit them back! (or alternatively call the teacher, LOL!)" "What goes on in this house stays in this house." "Never let them see you sweat/ cry/ get angry." Some of us have very strict codes of conduct. Imagine my surprise when I awoke to the Spirit speaking the words, "Change your code." In Matthew 5:20-43, Jesus told His disciples unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees and Sadducees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. He went on to challenge the strict codes by which they'd lived their entire lives with the lead-in phrase, "You have heard it said..."

Jesus told them...You have heard it said do not murder and that was right. You can't even hold onto anger or call someone an idiot in My Kingdom. If you know someone has something against you, go to them and reconcile it before you bring your gift to the altar. You heard you cannot commit adultery, well you can't even look at a woman to lust after her in my Kingdom. If you do, you've already committed adultery in your heart. You heard you can take revenge—an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth—but I'm telling you don't resist evil, turn the other cheek and go the extra mile. You thought you only had to love people who love you...but I'm changing the CODE. Love your enemies, pray for your persecutors and do them good. Then you'll really be God's children, for He makes the sun shine on the just and the unjust. Read Matthew 5 yourself if you dare, but whether we're talking about morals, lifestyle, relationships, finances, work, or worship...we all abide by codes. When computer codes are outdated, new ones are written that are more helpful to our lives. Are you living by antiquated codes? Change your code. 







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