Tuesday, April 13, 2021

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - INFINITE - Sadell Bradley 4/13/2021

"Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important." - C.S. Lewis
INFINITE is a descriptor of God. It means limitless or endless in space, extent or size; impossible to measure or calculate; greater than any assignable quantity or countable number; able to be continued indefinitely. The symbol to the left is INFINITY, it goes on and on and is never finished. "Great is our Lord, and of great power: His understanding is infinite." (Psalm 147:5, KJV) David said God's comprehension of him, the good and the bad, was so thorough it was incomprehensible, "Such [infinite] knowledge is too wonderful for me; It is too high [above me], I cannot reach it." (Psalm 139:6, AMP) Zophar, one of Job's confidantes in the midst of his trial asked Job, "Can you discover the depths of God? Can you [by searching] discover the limits of the Almighty [ascend to His heights, extend to His widths, and comprehend His infinite perfection]?" (Job 11:7) Of course the answer was no. God brought that to Job's attention in Chapter 38. How often do we consider that God is infinite. Are we consumed with our own limits and the boundaries imposed upon us by this world? Perhaps it's time to ponder the fact that God is not bound by time, space, finance, matter, force, power or person.
"When I consider the Heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained, What is man that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou visitest him? For Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour." (Psalm 8:1-5) Being from and living in a city, it is rare that I will just stare into the Heavens and think about God. In times like this where injustice, fear and uncertainty abound, I might need to do that to remember that God is Infinite, Omniscient and Almighty. The Israelites were bound for 400 years to their Egyptian oppressors. God freed them with His mighty hand and outstretched arm. You would think they would remember the plagues, the Passover, the parting of the Red Sea, and the food (manna and quail) that came straight from Heaven. They didn't remember—they forgot Who they were dealing with. They complained. They murmured. They failed to see God's entire plan. They didn't even try to see it. They did not believe and they disobeyed. Asaph made this stirring declaration, "Yes, again and again they tempted God, And limited the Holy One of Israel." (Psalm 78:41) Asaph was concerned with the ways in which Israel restricted God, and failed to be persuaded— to exercise faith in His ability to exceed their expectations and bring them into their promise.

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WEDNESDAY'S WORD - WAIT - Sadell Bradley - 03/05/2025

  WEDNESDAY'S WORD WAIT 03/05/2025   "Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." — W...