Wednesday, May 27, 2020


"Sometimes people take it for granted that they have success, especially nowadays when you have instant stardom. A lot of people feel entitlement and nobody is entitled to anything." -Donny Osmond

For 5 weeks, NBA fans were treated to "The Last Dance" a fascinating documentary on the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) player, Michael Jordan. Jordan won 6 NBA Championships, 10 Scoring Titles, 5 MVP trophies, and a number of other accolades in the '80s and '90s. We saw a driven competitor, a man with sporting excellence, revolutionize the way basketball is viewed around the world. The Jordan brand became a marketing and economic machine that has made him a
billionaire and the most recognized athlete in history. This feat was all the more remarkable for a dark-skinned Black man rising just 20 years after the US Civil Rights legislation passed. In our current volatile racial climate, what Frank Sinatra said just might be true, "The best revenge is massive success." Part of me wonders if some of what we're experiencing is backlash over the strength and splendor of Black men. Maybe we need more MJ's, who didn't get distracted by race or politics but chose to focus on becoming great and building an empire. Jordan had lots of flaws, but one intriguing opinion he shared about players of his time versus now is that he and his contemporaries had to work hard to earn salaries and endorsement deals. They had to win championships, gold medals, and scoring titles - to PROVE their worth - BEFORE they were considered for millions of dollars in compensation. Players nowadays he said, are being paid 'for potential,' receiving millions of dollars and endorsements when 'they've done nothing yet.' Something to think about, isn't it? Times have changed. 
ENTITLEMENT is the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment. Whether we're talking about younger generations, or some of the more privileged members of our society, folks think, "I deserve to have a better life." "I'm entitled to a high salary, a great house, a car and world travel."  "I'm allowed to treat others this way." This is not just an issue in the world, but in the Church where we've forsaken the truth of what it means to follow Christ. "Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me." (Matthew 16:24) "...those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples." (Luke 14:33b) Instead of losing or laying down our lives for Christ and each other, we're obsessed with defending and protecting ourselves and remaining in our comfort zones. Or we're also frustrated with God for not giving us the gain or fame we think we're entitled to...when we think we're entitled to it. Selah... 
Entitlement is lethal. It leads to spiritual erosion. We believe we have rights to something that: A) Is not God's will for us, B) We are not willing to sacrifice for, C) We have not heard from God, exercised faith and used disciplined to pursue, D) We have not been equipped or discipled for, or E) We believe our privilege alone
should get us. Those who have invested decades of blood, sweat, and tears walking by faith just to know God and be in His presence. Or those who have endured great suffering and trial to fight injustice and be where they are now, have learned like Abraham that only the LORD is "our shield and our exceedingly great reward." (Genesis 15:1)
The humble truth is... whatever we have, we received it from God. (1 Cor. 4:7), so no boasting! The real privilege of Christ-followers is to give our lives for the sake of the
Gospel, to follow Jesus, and to serve the LORD.

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