"God answers the mess of life with one word...GRACE."
-Max Lucado
Christ followers, is the free and unmerited or undeserved favor of God,
as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.
It is also a Divinely given gift, ability, talent or blessing that
enables one to do through the power of the Spirit what one could not on
their own. It is important to God that we acknowledge and grasp our need for Him. Paul said it this way to the Church at Ephesus, "God
saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can't take credit for
this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good
things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God's
masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the
good things he planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:9-10, NLT)
The idea that salvation and a restored relationship with God is a free gift is an amazing truth. Why would a Holy God condescend to created beings by removing His only Son from a throne in Heaven? He made Jesus Christ not only go down to live on earth with us sinful underlings, but allowed Him as an innocent man to die the most brutal death ever to rescue perishing
Not only that...then He decides: "I'm not just going to save their lives...I'm going to forgive them for everything they've ever done to Me and to others and forget it ever happened. I'm going to bring them into My family as My new children and love them like they've never been loved before. I'm going to bless them materially, mentally and emotionally. I'm going to soothe all of their regrets and shame over everything they've ever done wrong. I'm going to watch over them as they grow more mature throughout life, and I'm going to guide them with My eye upon them. I'm going to guard and protect their spirits, souls and bodies. I'm going to dispatch angels to help them through life. I'm going to put My own Spirit and power within them. I'm going to give them significance and a calling in My Kingdom, and give them places to rule with Me. I'm going to reward them with favor for the rest of their lives and throughout eternity. I'm going to use them to help rescue others and bring them back to Me." Mercy says you don't get the punishment or penalty you deserve. GRACE goes beyond that. GRACE handles completely your sin issue and gives you more of God's favor and blessing than you could ever imagine. That's why it's amazing. |
Thank you in advance for your generosity! #mynewlifecincy |
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