My husband, Sherman recently launched GoodFit, a consulting and training company that focuses on issues of race, diversity, inclusion, and implicit bias.
For decades, Sherman has championed the cause of the poor as a former
Vice President of the City Gospel Mission's homeless shelter, by
sponsoring training and HopeFest events through
the Poor, and as a National Trainer for
Aha! Process' Bridges
out of Poverty. Of late, we both have been drawn into the difficult
subject of race as changes in the climate of the US have shifted. We've
been involved in strategic conversations with leaders in faith and
secular communities (e.g.
Mosaix Multi-Ethnic Church Network, and
MORTAR Cincinnati)
to strategize how we can ALL act to bring solutions to what seems
impossible. Christ followers know that NOTHING is too difficult for God. (Jer. 32:17;
Matt. 19:24-26) We choose to engage the
MARKETPLACE - the arena of competitive or commercial dealings; the world of trade.
One third of our lives is spent in the workplace. Most Americans invest MAYBE an hour per week in church.
This Washington Post Article stated,
"even on Sundays, Americans spend more time grooming themselves than they do praying or going to church."Contrary to popular belief, the MARKETPLACE is our Mission field. Most
clergy are bi-vocational, working in secular environments. Churches
with over 1,000 members are only 2% of the US Church population. The
idea that all preachers have fancy homes, cars, planes and full bank
accounts is false. We are committed servants of Jesus and His
Kingdom...with additional jobs that may have a greater reach. The Church, or
ekklesia in Greek meant
the political assembly of citizens to discuss legal matters. The
New Testament Church's gatherings, or assemblies of called out
believers occurred in homes or the temple courts. In the US, house
churches have recently had a resurgence.
"Church" was not a descriptor of a building or religious service, but of the people
who congregated to "devote themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." They saw signs and wonders, shared possessions and meals. (Acts 2:42-47) Believers in Jesus Christ are
'called out' or separated from the darkness of sin and the world to bring the light of Christ. (1 Pet. 2:9; Matt. 5:13-15)
God chooses MARKETPLACE leaders, to be His deliverers and disciples:
tax collectors, entrepreneurs, fishermen, politicians, prostitutes, and
soldiers. Certainly the LORD also called prophets and priests, but
even Jesus was a carpenter and Paul made and sold tents.
The 'world' that we are commissioned to go into (Mark 16:15) is a marketplace,
full of buying, selling and engagement in issues from which we are not
to shy away. Daily, ministry occurs through educators, health
professionals, entertainers, scientists, financial gurus, non-profit and
social sector employees.
Until we embrace the value and impact
of Vocational Missionary assignments the way we do Global Missions - we will
not win the world for Christ.