""As coal pressured into pearls by our weighty existence. Beauty that arose out of pain."- Suzanne Collins, Catching Fire
A PEARL is a hard, lustrous spherical mass, typically
formed within the shell of an oyster or other bivalve mollusk and highly
prized as a gem; figuratively - a precious thing; the finest example of something.
In figures like Jackie Kennedy, a string of pearls represented the
highest class. In basketball player Earl "The Pearl" Monroe - the
greatest in athletic achievement. Pearls are formed inside the
protective shell of a mollusk as a defense mechanism against a potentially threatening irritant
like a parasite inside the shell or an attack from outside the shell.
The mollusk creates a pearl sac to seal off the irritation. Pearls are actually the mollusk's immune system, created through pressure and irritation.
45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls:
46 Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it. Jesus emphasizes that the Kingdom of Heaven is so valuable that it should be our most treasured possession and our highest aim.
The righteousness, peace and joy (Romans 14:17) that He has died to
give us is most precious. In going to the Cross and suffering the
greatest pressure and irritation, Jesus has acted as our immune system: protecting us and exempting us from the penalty of sin and death. We now hold something that has more worth than can be found in this world, and we are to cherish it. Pearls are also associated with wisdom and the sacred. Jesus also admonishes us to view what is prudent and holy in this way in Matthew 7:6. "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." Valuable things, both tangible and intangible, are often given to people who don't appreciate and care for them. In the case of the mysteries of God, and even sometimes about our wisdom and experience, we must be circumspect about not opening those treasures up for just anyone at any time. Some audiences are not ready to consume the value of what you have to dispense. So be aware not only that you have pearls, but what they cost. |
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