"I hate politics. I try to avoid politics as much as possible." I've heard people say these things recently. Given the nature of what's been going on, that's understandable.
POLITICS are the
activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially
the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power; the activities of governments concerning the political
relations between countries: activities
within an organization that are
aimed at improving someone's status or position and are typically considered to be devious or divisive (e.g. corporate, family, church, politics);
a particular set of political beliefs or principles:
the assumptions or principles relating to or inherent in a sphere, theory, or thing,
especially when concerned with power and status in a society. The word derives from the Greek
politikos, from
polites 'citizen,' from
polis 'city.' Whether we like it or not,
politics are everywhere if you live as a citizen of a city, town, state or country.
POLITICS are also pretty much unavoidable in personal, work, and familial relationships. The phrase
'to play politics' -
means to act for political or personal gain rather than from principle. How many of us have leveraged information or a situation to our advantage for status or position?
We link up with important people for future power moves. We try to elevate our status by taking selfies with an influential or famous person.
of us have voiced or posted a dissenting opinion or belief, with the
knowledge that our views would be divisive and with the desire to be
deemed more knowledgeable or intelligent than others. Almost
all of us have manipulated a situation with a spouse or family member to
gain an advantage, or loaned money/done favors knowing that now you're
one up on them. If that's you, or even if it's been done to you...you've
been involved in politics. Politics is more than voting, posting and
It's ultimately about power, status, position and beliefs. Politics is about one side or view winning and the other losing.
It gets to be about deeper issues like wealth, identity, security, and
self-image. We definitely don't like it when we feel we're on the
'losing side,' but Christ followers could be uneasy about the subject
for other reasons:
- We believe all Authority & Power belongs to God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
(Matthew 28:18-20). Then Jesus commissioned His disciples to go to all
the world, preach His Gospel to every creature and make disciples of
every nation. We don't struggle with Who's in charge.
- God has allowed delegated authority in the earth, but He is regulating them all.
Whether they are heads of households or bosses (1 Corinthians 11:3,
Eph. 2:1-6), churches (1 Tim.3:1-3), or governments and their citizens
(Romans 13), they must all answer to God.
- Christ's way of leading is not about being the greatest, seeking
the highest status or lording over people, but humbling yourself,
serving them and giving your life for them. (Mark 10:35-44)
- Jesus
demonstrated this not by politicking to gain power but by humbling
himself, laying down His life and being obedient to the death on the
Cross (Phil 2). Then he was exalted by God with the Highest name ever known. He instructed us to have this same mind.
It is important to understand Scriptural perspectives when we engage worldly systems.
Christ's Kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36) and our primary
citizenship is in Heaven (Phil 3:20). Though we are in the world, we are
not like the world, but are re-presenting Heaven to the world (John
15:19; 2Cor 5:11-21).
If we get distracted, or caught up in any
other identity, gospel or mission, we will lose credibility and our
witness in the earth and the spiritual power that God intends for us to
wield. Just a reminder...
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