Wednesday, January 11, 2017

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - TRANSITION - 01/11/17 Sadell Bradley - New Life Covenant Cincinnati

"Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else." - Playwright, Tom Stoppard

"I've always believed that there are moments in our lives which can be defined as a transition between the before and after, between the cause and the effect."
Author, Benjamin X. Wretlind.

Last night millions watched the farewell address of President Barack and First Lady Michelle Obama. Some mourned, others celebrated. No matter your political persuasion, one thing about the US is very impressive in contrast to the world: President Obama stressed the importance of maintaining America's outstanding tradition of the peaceful transfer of the presidency. I hope that we all, particularly Christ followers, will do what we can to uphold that civility in the coming weeks. If we protest, do it peacefully. If we disagree, challenge in a courteous way. Unfortunately, due to our mishandling of this earthbound political sphere, much damage has been done to our Kingdom focus and the love that is supposed to be our identifying mark as Christians. (John 13:34-35) I hope that will change.

TRANSITION is the process of a period of changing from one state or condition to another. It derives from the French transire or to 'go across.' Across is an adverb whose origin means "in the form of a cross."  Interesting...transitions sometimes feel like crucifixions. We are always leaving behind or dying to one
 thing, identity, or position, while moving on to the next. . Birth is a transition. The baby leaves the internal, secure state of their mother's womb to transition to life in the world. The Bible calls this process travail (John 16:21), because the transition is a painful, laborious process but once it occurs; it brings a joy that makes you forget the agony. Death is also a transition from living in this earth realm to the eternal destiny we've chosen. In between, we get a lot of practice with transitions. Each stage of life: the various physical, mental, emotional, educational, relational and occupational stages are all transitions.  Even our spiritual development goes from being born again to converted and moving on to maturity. (John 3, Matt 18:3, Heb.6:1)

Transitions are everywhere. At the same time we're going through is everyone and everything else! and we're all bouncing off of each other from puberty to the 'change' of life. Think about it. Our houses settle, cars wax old, government officials change, new movies, TV shows and music are offered. Sports teams that once had all the championships transition to rebuilding years returning to the bottom of the totem pole.  If you are averse to transitions, life is going to be really difficult for you.

We act as if we don't want ANYTHING to EVER change. Deep down we know that transitions bring challenge and growth.  When outwardly imposed transitions are not to our
liking; we learn to resolve to stand for the things we believe in and make a change. When we become stagnant, frustration and restlessness about our lack of progress sets in. We realize we CAN DO SOMETHING, though difficult and uncomfortable, to get to where we desire to be. No matter what transition we face, we can be assured that GOD is working all things together for the GOOD for us because we love Him and keep His commands.  No transition can separate us from His love. (Romans 8)
SUNDAY Worship
11:00 AM Worship
The Great Room
Sunday Class
9:30 AM Youth Room Basement
at Wyoming Presbyterian
225 Wyoming Ave., 45215

For information 513-212-1131

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WEDNESDAY'S WORD - WAIT - Sadell Bradley - 03/05/2025

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