EMPATHY is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Maybe it is a child-like quality we've lost. Very special people who
have developed this heart and skill, are invaluable in relationships.
Why did I say skill? because you not only need the desire to understand
before being understood, but
you must also have the active
listening skills to ensure that you've really comprehended what a
hurting person is trying to convey. If you're interested in learning empathetic relating skills, I highly recommend:
Equipping Ministries International
In case you hadn't noticed, A LOT of people are really hurting right now, and it's MUCH MORE than 'winning' or 'losing' an election. The politics of the season, including such issues as: sexism,
objectification and abuse of women, feelings
on immigration, the pipeline in North Dakota, the economy, abortion,
increasing racial tensions, and now the appointment of certain cabinet
members; has negatively affected more than half of the nation's citizens
(if the sample of election results is an indication.) The maelstrom
(state of confused movement or violent turmoil) of
events has MANY concerned, if not down right afraid for their PHYSICAL,
mental, emotional, relational and financial safety.
For it to be 'ok' for such hatred, vitriol and malevolence to exist and even flourish in our country on all sides and particularly in the Church should be unsettling to any true Christ follower.
Sadly, the prevailing notion is that many Christians and their leaders
don't care...or even are in league with what's going on.
The hardest part is that ideologies are often kept secret. If half the population is agreeing, ok with, or at the very least willing to live with this climate,
those of us who are women and people of color never know whether we're in safety or danger.
That can be terrifying, but if we jump to conclusions and judgments on
each other, we'll do more damage. Many of our true Caucasian friends and
Christian family may feel misunderstood, attacked and needing to defend
their positions. Some might also think they're in harm's way.
If ever there was a time for EMPATHY, it's now! Here's a really cool video from Dr. Brene Brown about empathy:
Christians are supposed to be expert at 'one anothering.' Jesus commanded,
"love one another as I have loved you." This love is supposed be the identifying mark of Christ followers. (John 13:34-35) Paul instructed us in Galatians 6:2 to
"bear one anothers burdens." I don't know what the burden is, unless I hear from my brother or sister.
God rarely just deals with one side. The Word requires us to,
"Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you."
(Ephesians 4:31-32) Frankly, we've failed on these commands and more,
and the Church must heal itself first so we can regain credibility with
the world. So find someone not like you, listen and EMPATHIZE today!
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