"You can do anything...but not everything." - David Allen
Ever been so busy that you forget what day it is? That was me yesterday! So now you get Wednesday's word on Thursday! LOL! so I thought I'd make the most of it. To OVERCOMMIT means to oblige (oneself or others) to do more than one is capable of, as to repay a loan one cannot afford; to allocate more (resources) to a purpose than can be provided; to obligate oneself beyond the ability for fulfillment.
Work, School, Church, Civic Activities, Clubs, Sports, Home (cooking, cleaning, laundry, bill paying), etc. If we're lucky we have time for recreation and rest. We've been given self-control as part of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). Jesus commanded us not to swear that we'll do anything, but to be definitive, "let your yes be yes and your no be no." (Matt 5:37) A simple life would be much easier. Why do we overextend ourselves?
Ever been so busy that you forget what day it is? That was me yesterday! So now you get Wednesday's word on Thursday! LOL! so I thought I'd make the most of it. To OVERCOMMIT means to oblige (oneself or others) to do more than one is capable of, as to repay a loan one cannot afford; to allocate more (resources) to a purpose than can be provided; to obligate oneself beyond the ability for fulfillment.
Cincinnati OH 45215
(Presbyterian Church of Wyoming)
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