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Does agreement from Christ followers that this is a tragic and grief-filled situation that necessitates love to all involved cause us to run from our beliefs? No. We still believe that Jesus Christ is the one way to the Father, the Truth and the Life, (John 14:6) and that marriage presents God's boundary for purity in sexual relationships. (Heb. 13:4) Believers don't expect or require Christian beliefs from non-Christian people. Our mission, like Jesus' is to seek out and love and help people who want to reconnect to God. (Luke 19:10) We must accept the fact that many will not agree with our beliefs... Jesus did.
In John 8, Jesus was teaching a group publicly in the courts of the temple. The Pharisees and teachers of the law brought before Him a woman whom they said, "Was caught in the very act of adultery." They stated, "The law says we should stone her, but what do You say?" Their goal was to accuse Jesus, which is still Satan's purpose. [Jesus purpose is to destroy the devil's work. (1 John 3:8)]
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If this attack had occurred in a heterosexual club, would the headlines read, "Club full of drunken, fornicating, addicted reveling, adulterers blown up in terrorist attack?" I seriously doubt it. Did we first investigate the sins of those killed in Columbine, Oklahoma, Sandy Hook, or San Bernadino? No. Every shooting or killing of innocent lives is a terrorist act. Whether the hatred is inspired by race, gender, religion or class, it is meant to inspire fear in us. Only God's perfect love will cast out that fear (1 John 4:18) Christians are not to be overcome by evil. Evil can only be conquered with good. (Rom.12:21)
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