Patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, trouble, or
suffering without getting angry or upset, annoyed or anxious. The Latin word,
patient, means
suffering. In the photo, a performance artist demonstrates patience under a difficult, yet staged, situation.
The Bible has a lot to say about patience.
It is a fruit, manifestation or by-product of the Holy Spirit: God's
character, dwelling in our lives. (Gal. 5:22) Paul said that one of
love's qualities is that it
"suffers long and is patient and kind." (1 Cor. 13:4) The Greek
makrothumeo means
forbearance, to be long-tempered, not to retaliate with anger because of human reasoning. It is to be understanding with people.
Jesus told His disciples that persecution was coming to them for associating with Him. Even their close relatives would hate them. He closed with this statement,
"in your patience, you possess your souls." (Luke 21:19) The word
means, remaining behind, a patient enduring or waiting, steadfastness.
How inconvenient and exasperating in this time of get what we want NOW,
is the idea that
in Christ, we sometimes have to choose to remain behind
and watch others go ahead of us. God enables the believer to endure
under the challenges He allots in life. It is to persevere in spite of
difficult circumstances.
Our thoughts, emotions and decisions are kept under control by our capacity to exercise patience...
In Hebrews 6, Paul tells the Jewish believers that mature believers in Christ
hold steadfast to the end. Now that they've been enlightened
that Jesus is the Messiah, he warns them not to turn back and thereby
crucify Christ again (vs. 6). He comforts them that God sees what they
are enduring, and He will not forget their labor of love. Paul urges the
Jews not to become lax or lazy, but to
imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what God has promised. (vs. 12) Later, he admonishes them again not to throw away their confidence in Christ, for it has a great reward.
They need patience so that after they have done the will of God, they might receive what God has promised... (Heb. 10:35-36) And so do WE! Always remember,
God keeps His promises!!
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