Wednesday, October 29, 2014

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - LATE BLOOMER - Sadell Bradley 10/29/14

A bloom is a flower, especially one cultivated for it's beauty.  It is also the state or period of the flower's greatest beauty, freshness and vigor.  The Middle English word blomi also means prosperity. To come into bloom, means to produce flowers; figuratively it means to become radiant and glowing or to come into or be in full beauty or health; to flourish.

Late Bloomer: a person who matures and flourishes at a specified time. When describing children or adolescents, it is a person who develops more slowly than others in their age group but eventually catches up and in some cases overtakes their peers.  In adults it is a or a person whose talents and capabilities are not visible to others until later than usual, or whose talent or genius in a particular field only appears later in life, in some cases only in old age.

In September, I attended the Habitation Conference sponsored by Christian Recording Artist, William McDowell, a friend who hails from Cincinnati.  It was one of those seminal moments as the presence of God was powerful amongst worshipers of Jesus who were gathered with that single focus.  During our time together, several prophetic Words were spoken specifically to 'Late Bloomers' whose dreams not yet been realized.  The Lord through His prophets said that we were wondering, "Do I still have it?" and thought in our hearts, "My youth has passed me by and God hasn't given me the promise."  Some of those over 40 were encouraged that God still had work for us to do, and that He also wanted us to spiritually parent, support, impart and pour into the next generation.  You can't imagine the relief and joy that I and others gathered had at the love and care of our Father to quiet the noise of doubt and reassure us that He was not done with us yet!

Caleb and Joshua, were the two spies out of 12 who scouted out the promised land and gave a good report. They were confident that God would allow Israel to possess what He had promised, despite the giants that they'd have to fight.  Because of their faith, Caleb and Joshua received their inheritance in their old age while the other spies died in the wilderness.  Joshua even led the Israelites in the battle for God's promise.

Caleb said, "Here I am this day, eighty-five years old. As yet I am as strong this day as I was on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war" (Joshua 14:10-11)  He didn't limp into his promise.  He was just as strong, vigorous vital and ready to fight as he was in his youth.  I pray that Bible account, and the list of late bloomers below will be an encouragement to you and to me!
  • Nelson Mandela -became President of South Africa at age 74 after 27 years in prison
  • Martha Stewart - launched Martha Stewart Living Magazine at age 49 after catering a lunch for her ex-husband's publishing firm.
  • Stan Lee didn't start writing his most well known comics until age 43.
  • Julia Child didn't learn to cook until her 40's and her famous TV show was in her 50's.
  • Colonel Harland David Sanders opened Kentucky Fried Chicken at age 65.
  • Anna Mary Robertson Moses -  Grandma Moses the famous American painter, started painting when she was 75
  • Wallace Amos, Jr. - started Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Co. at age 41 
  • Theodore Seuss Geisel - Dr. Seuss- didn't write his famous children's books until his 40's
  • Laura Ingalls Wilder -  became a journalist in her forties, and was 65 years old when she started the Little House on the Prarie series.
  • Actress Kathryn Joosten, who won 2 Emmys for her work on"Desperate Housewives" moved to Hollywood (and in with her son) at age 56 to become an actress.  
  • Raymond Kroc met Maurice and Richard McDonald at age 52 and they opened McDonald's
  • Susan Boyle was 48 when she was discovered on "Britain's Got Talent" with her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables and became an international star.
  • Joyce Meyer started Life in the Word radio ministry at age 42 and at age 50 started her television program Enjoying Everyday life.

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WEDNESDAY'S WORD - WAIT - Sadell Bradley - 03/05/2025

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