Wednesday, December 31, 2014

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - RESOLUTION - 12/31/14 Sadell Bradley

 At the close of one year and the beginning of the next, millions of people evaluate where they are and seek to make changes in their lives. Hopefully you've had time to express your gratefulness to God for all He's brought you through in 2014, the many blessings you've received, and the fact that you're still alive to thank Him! Gratefulness is important!

A RESOLUTION is a firm decision to do or not do something.  According to Forbes Magazine, 40% of Americans make New Year's resolutions, but only 8% of them keep them. They desire to make changes in vices, sins, bad habits, economic woes, and relationships, but 'resolution' means the quality of being determined or resolute; and the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.  It's from the Latin resolvere - to loosen, or release; to resolve.

What does it take to be firm, resolute, and determined? How do we make decisions, solve problems and bring conflicts to and end? Much of our growth is a matter of an inward work that manifests in outward action. Perhaps we fail because we're unwilling to do that inward work with the Lord, addressing deeper questions like, "What am I afraid of?" "Why am I emotionally eating?" "How did I become undisciplined?" "What beliefs do I have that cause these financial woes?" "Is this relationship really meant for me at this time?" "What will it take to forgive?" We often struggle because our thoughts, feelings and spirits are unsettled.

David begged the Lord, "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." (Psalm 51:10) He realized that major things inside of him were going wrong and manifesting behaviors and outcomes that were not just ungodly, but not who he really wanted to be.  He also knew that on his own, he was unable to change.  He needed God's creative power to give him what he could not give himself - a new heart, spirit, right motivations and grace for proper action.

As you embark on this year with hopes and desires to make changes in your life, don't neglect that the Holy Spirit's power and the application of the Word of God is what promotes true and lasting transformation. These gifts enable us to make prudent and wise decisions, give us insight and revelation to solve problems, and grace us to release and resolve relational issues. If you're looking for any of those things, I suggest you cry out FIRST to the Lord for His help.

 May Jesus' blessings be upon you as you resolve to live like HIM in 2015! 

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Incarnate means to embody or represent a deity in human form, or to put an idea into concrete form: Latin 'made flesh.' The Incarnation in Christian Theology is the embodiment of God the Son in human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. The Apostle John states:

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being...And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1: 1-3, 14)

The WORD or Greek logos, means a word as embodying an idea, or the expression of a thought.  Jesus Christ re-presents or embodies the idea of the Divine. "This is what God is like." Paul explains to the Colossians, "For in Christ lives all the fullness of God in a human body."(Col. 2:9 NLT)  Luke confirms that Jesus Christ was no ordinary baby in his account in the gospels:

"Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel, which means 'God is with us.'"( Matthew 1:23)

Isaiah prophesied that this sign would not just be the miracle of a baby being born to a virgin, but that GOD'S OWN SON would be sent by His Father in human form to rule and establish a reign of peace!  For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isa. 9:2

John said Jesus Christ would show mankind the greatest love that ever existed. He would live a perfect life, minister to the broken, die as the ultimate sacrifice for all of our sin once and for all, and rise from the dead to give us hope for eternal life. He would not condemn us, but use His life as a ransom to save us!  (John 3:16-17) 

We are great at imagining the baby Jesus, and good with Christ on the cross.  But do we really believe GOD Himself is with us?  How would our lives change if we did? What if we believed He was not only WITH us, but IN us? (John 14:17) What if we are here to live out the incarnation as sons and daughters of God? to represent the idea of what God is like to the world!

A wonderful discussion to have with your family this holiday season! We pray that You will experience Him as IMMANUEL in your life today and always! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


In chemistry a catalyst is a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.  Figuratively, it is a person or thing that precipitates an event: (E.G. the governor's speech acted as a catalyst for debate.) To catalyze means to cause or accelerate (a reaction) by acting as a catalyst, or to cause an action or process to begin.

At Sunday's Black Lives Matter celebration at New Life Covenant, we discussed the times and seasons of God. (Ecc. 3) Certainly the recent slayings of Eric Garner, Tamar Rice, and Michael Brown were the not the first or only incidents that have resulted in the death of an African-American male. Yet these incidents catalyzed a national and worldwide multi-ethnic, multi-class movement of protests, die-ins, media, and hopefully legislation to curb police brutality.  When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus in the Jim Crow South, she was not the first young woman to do so. Her treatment on that particular day sparked the Montgomery bus boycott, which eventually led to the Civil Rights Movement. We are a better Country and people as a result of her bravery as a change-agent.

There are several ways the Bible refers to time, but here are two: 
    CHRONOS - or chronological - time viewed in sequence, a succession of moments.  Time in duration in the physical space world - quantitative. (E.G. The time came for Elisabeth to bear her son Luke 1:57); and KAIROS - the fitting season,  time as opportunity to be taken advantage of - qualitative. It is when things come to a head, the right moment. Jesus said 'His time' was near, speaking of His destined work on the cross for our sins. (Matt 26:18)

    Daniel worshiped and praised the God of wisdom and might who changes the times and seasons. He removes kings and establishes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to men of understanding. (Daniel 2:20-21 paraphrase)  1 Chronicles 12:32 describes the sons of the tribe of Issachar who understood the times and seasons and therefore knew what Israel should the opportune time.  Oh, for us to have the wisdom to see, understand and act when Kairos moments present themselves.  Christ followers expect and anticipate seasons changing,  favorable opportunities, and Divine intervention in difficult situations.  Hallelujah!

    With God, things can change in a moment.  We get stuck in chronos -thinking about how long it's been, but we're in league with the greatest catalyst the world has ever known. He inserts Himself into situations and people and they transform! Just like the chemical catalyst -  HE changes things...but HE NEVER CHANGES. (Heb. 13:8) 

    Tuesday, December 9, 2014


    Tenacity is the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; being very determined, continuing to exist; persistence. Tenacious implies keeping a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely to it. A tenacious person does not readily relinquish a position, principle or course of action. It derives from the Latin tenere - to hold.  A notorious example of tenacity is a dog or a pit bull locking it's jaws and gripping it's subject.  Metaphorically, it is an attitude or behavior that says, "I'm holding on for life," "I won't release this thing until it's done."  

    Tenacity, determination and persistence are celebrated qualities in Scripture. Jacob wrestles with the angel so hard for so long that the socket of his thigh was permanently dislocated.  The angel cries out, "Let me go for the dawn is breaking," to which Jacob replies, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." (Gen. 32: 25-26)  The Angel changes his name and states, "Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with God and with men and have prevailed." (vs, 27)

    Luke 18:1-8 is Jesus' parable of the Persistent or Importunate woman. She kept coming to the unjust judge, who was apathetic about God and people, for justice in her case. With tenacity she cried out again and again pleading to be avenged against her adversary. Initially he refused, but because she kept bothering him, he thought, "I'll see that she gets justice, so she won't eventually come and attack me." Jesus' intention in telling this parable was to show US that we should always pray and not faint or give up - specifically in our cries for justice.  
    And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?  I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”
    Jesus equates faith with prayerful persistence and tenacious action.  He wonders out loud, if He will find anyone on the earth whose jaws are so locked that they will not give up until they see justice for His chosen ones.  The season that we are in requires this kind of tenacity.  Isaiah said the consequences of our sin and rebellion against the Lord affect our ability to administer and receive justice, "So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter." (Isaiah 59:12-13)
    Christ followers are not unfamiliar with unjust trials. Our Savior Jesus, suffered an unjust trial: betrayal and abandonment by His closest companions, clandestine arrests and tribunals by night, falsifying of testimonies, fear of His rising influence authority and power, collusion and back door dealings from parties that were opposed but came in cahoots. He endured mocking, scourging, flogging, and questions surrounding His identity and purpose.  (Luke 22-23; Mark 14-15)  Through most of this...He answered not a word.  Isaiah said He was led like a lamb to the slaughter (Isaiah 53) only affirming that 'It is as you said," when asked if He was the Messiah.  Pilate didn't want to convict Him, his wife had warned him not to.  Through the deception, spin and propaganda of the religious leaders the people were put into a frenzy - persuaded to crucify an innocent man and let a known murderer and insurrectionist, Barabbas, go free.

    If this type of injustice and corruption occurred in Scripture with our Lord, it is not implausible for it to happen today. Though there are many just and righteous proceedings... unscrupulous men and women still exist. Prosecutors and defense attorneys are paid to skew 'facts' to  determine outcomes. We are constantly being spun by politicians and media. We REALLY are not privy to ALL of the truth.  All the more reason whether looking nationally at a case like Eric Garner's, or locally at a case like Judge Tracie Hunter's (btw...the most tenacious person I've ever known): to cry out to the LORD and plead with the powers that be, day and night for justice!  but when Jesus comes, will He find that kind of faith in us?


    Wednesday, December 3, 2014


    Counterfeit - to make in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive or defraud; to pretended to feel or possess an emotion or quality; sham; a fraudulent imitation of something else; a forgery. From Old French contrefait - to make in opposition. Counterfeit products are fake replicas of a real product.  They are cheaper, less quality imitations that may even include toxic elements.

    Abram and Sarai received a PROMISE from God that they would bear children in their old age. Up to that time, they had borne no children and had no heir. Abram had intended to use his servant Eliezer as a substitute heir, but God said NO, a son from your own flesh and blood will be your heir.  Abram believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:1-6)  However, many years passed and what God had promised still had not happened.  Sound familiar?

    God was too slow and she wasn't getting any younger... So Sarai, Abram's wife suggests a surrogate.  'Let's start the family through my servant Hagar,' she told her husband.  He agrees to the counterfeit. An 86 year old Abram sleeps with Hagar and she conceives a son, Ishmael. (Gen. 16) This action to fraudulently imitate God's promise through human means sets in motion jealousy, mistreatment, exile and hostility for Hagar and her son Ishmael for perpetuity. (Gen. 17)  God also puts Abram and Sarai and their promise on the shelf for another 13 years, then returns and calls for Abram to "walk before me faithfully and be blameless."  He reiterates His first promise (Gen. 12:1-3) to greatly increase his offspring. Abram, now 99 years old, agrees and enters into an everlasting covenant initiated by God for generations that includes the promise, a name change to Abraham, and the promised land!  Sarai is 90 and she will have her PROMISED son Isaac, her name will change to Sarah, and Isaac will continue the legacy of covenant with God. 

    I have a situation or two...or 5, where my promise from God is taking too long and I'm not getting any younger.  In my creative ingenuity, I have looked into and I almost devised a plan to help God along to fulfill HIS PROMISE with a faster and certainly easier way of handling the situation. As I reflected on the course of action I was about to take, something in my spirit didn't set right and I had to admit...I'm afraid what God said might not work out.  I, like Sarai want to see God's promise, but my faith is not where it should be. The only way I saw it happening was if I help God out a little - surely that would be ok. The set up seems good, and after all, what I'm devising is close to what He said...NO, it's really a counterfeit.  Thank you, Holy Spirit, for saving me from myself by revealing this before I engaged it further. I don't want any more shelf years!!  I will wait for the legitimate, authentic, valuable  promise I have from You!!    

    Wednesday, November 26, 2014


    Empathy is the ability to understand and share in the feelings, experiences and emotions of another.  From the Greek empatheia 'in' + pathos - 'feeling' It is the action of being aware, and understanding and sensitive to the feelings, thoughts, or experience of another without necessarily having them communicated in an objectively explicit manner.  Here's a GREAT short video WATCH NOW The Power of Empathy

    In this trying time in our Country, empathy is one of the qualities that will best serve us. As the clip states, it is a very vulnerable place to share in the painful feelings and experiences of others without looking in from the outside and offering insensitive quips.  Empathy is part of the Christ-following culture.  Paul instructed us to "Bless those who persecute you; bless and curse not.  Rejoice with those who do rejoice and weep with those who weep," (Romans 12:14-15) and to "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ," unconditional love. (Galatians 6:2)

    Christianity is not for the weak.  The things that Jesus calls us to do are counter-cultural, uncomfortable, and downright scandalous sometimes, but He has CHOSEN us to walk this way to bring an example and light to the world around us:

    43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 46 If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? 47 And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? 48 Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matthew 5:43-48
    In Ephesians 2, Paul describes the reconciliation that Christ's finished work on Calvary was meant to bring between the Jews and the hated 'Gentiles. Jesus does not only bring peace - the absence of strife and restoration to wholeness; He IS our peace: 
    For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, 15 by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace, 16 and in one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. 17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. 18 For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. (Ephesians 2:15-18)
    Similarly, in this crisis, Christ followers can speak peace to those who are close by us (relationally, ethnically and in location), as well as those who are far off with the goal of making peace, putting hostility to death and reconciling to UNITY.  This is a difficult, but necessary engagement that requires a great deal of the character quality empathy: the ability not only to hear, but to be sensitive to and share in the pain, experience and perspective of another without judging it invalid, trying to explain it away or even solve it initially, or running because it causes us pain.
    Jesus is our example.  Paul states in Hebrews 4:15 that Christ is "not unable to empathize with our weaknesses,"or is  'touched with the feeling of our infirmities.' (KJV)  He has been tempted in every way, yet without sin.  Jesus deeply understands and has experienced pain, suffering, hatred, racism, persecution, abuse, mocking, rejection, abandonment, brutal beating, oppression WITHOUT protest, killing and being left for dead - all for our sakes. Isaiah 53 goes into great detail about our Savior, who suffered silently as the Lamb of God for the atonement of our sins AND for the trespasses of those who've sinned against us.  It is through this lens that we are to look at EVERY situation we face. 

    Jesus was able to love and empathize with us despite us.  We through the power of His Spirit must do the same.  This is not a suggestion, Jesus says, "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." This love is supposed to be the identifying mark of ALL Christ followers.  "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." (John 13:34-35) Love demonstrated includes EMPATHY.

    Wednesday, November 19, 2014

    WEDNESDAY'S WORD - PROVIDENCE - Sadell Bradley 11/19/14

    Providence is the protective care of God as a spiritual power.  It is also timely preparation for
    future eventualities. It derives from the Latin word providere - to foresee, or attend to.  To provide means to make available for use; to supply; to make adequate preparation for a possible event; to supply sufficient money to ensure the maintenance of someone.  

    The Bible is about God's providence.  We see account after account of the Lord's protective care, ample provision, and preparation of His people for future eventualities: 
    • In Genesis 6-10, God had Noah preach repentance to the wicked people of the time for 126 years and prepare an Ark for rain and a flood that had never been seen on the earth to save his family and the species of animals.  
    • Through Joseph's prophetic ministry and subsequent reign, God protected all of Israel and other nations from a time of famine.  Genesis 37-50
    • In Exodus, the Lord prepared Moses to free Israel from the hand of Egypt, and provided manna, water and quail for millions during their 40 year wilderness wandering.  
    • In Judges, Samson was chosen to provide deliverance through supernatural powers that were Divinely given him.  Judges 13-16
    • Esther was sent on mission through a beauty contest to become Queen of a country so that when trouble was to come to the Jews, they would have someone of influence in place with the King.  Book of Esther
    • Daniel was protected from the lions in the lion's den after he took a stand by continuing to serve Jehovah in prayers and worship.  His friends the Hebrew boys were saved out of the king's fiery furnace by the Lord Jesus who was in the fire with them to save them.  Daniel 1-6
    I could go on and on and on.  What we would call small things like the metal axe head miraculously swimming on the water so that Elisha's servant who'd borrowed it would not be enslaved by debt; (2 Kings 6)  or large things like the provision of 20,000 meals for men, women and children by the lunch of a boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish. Whether in Scripture or our own lives, we have seen God's providential hand at work at one time or another. As a matter of worship it is good to recall and appreciate those times as evidence of God's faithfulness to us!

    To go deeper, God foresaw and made adequate preparation for our sin issue through Jesus, the
    spotless Lamb of God who was described as being 'slain before the foundation of the world.' (1 Peter 1:18-21; Rev. 13:8) He entered the earth through the miraculous conception of the virgin Mary and with the seed of the Holy Spirit.  (Luke 1:26-38) Before Adam and Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit committing the first sin (Genesis 3), God had made a way for their sin and ours to be forgiven and released! For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! (Romans 5:17)

    Last night I dreamed about a lady calling me in for a job.  They gave me a spacious place to live, then asked me to report to another location. It was a school and I was going to take graduate courses in graphic design.  I had never even taken undergraduate courses in that field, but the boss responded that they had seen a copy of some work I'd done casually and had chosen me specifically for this program.  The housing was paid.  The coursework was paid, and I was to be paid.  My job was to learn to create from one of the foremost artistic schools in the world!  I believe that dream was to reassure me in this season about God's Divine Providence.  I hope it blesses you too!

    Wednesday, November 12, 2014


    Fatigue is extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness; it is a reduction in the efficiency of a muscle or organ after prolonged activity or stressRacial means on the grounds of or connected with difference in race - each of the major divisions of humankind, having distinct physical characteristics; a group of people sharing the same culture, history, language, etc. 

    The movie "Dear White People" (above) recently opened, decrying the racial injustices that are unfortunately still experienced in college campuses. Watching it, I was faced with some eery flashbacks of my college days! Though my identity as a Christ-follower is now primary, I believe God also uses the uniqueness of my culture, gender and experiences to His glory to help sharpen His Body toward love.

    I was at a Mosaix Cincy meeting of Tri-State pastors who have a heart for planting and populating churches that look like Heaven: with people of every tribe, language, people and nation. (Rev. 5:9)  Our children and grandchildren have grown accustomed to diversity. If the Church continues to be segregated, it will be irrelevant and left behind.  So we address the racial, class and gender divisions in the US Church.

    "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28)  We seek to embody this statement of truth from Paul, and to help lead the charge toward the unity that Jesus prayed for in John 17:20-23 (below), which is a redemptive revelation of the Sonship of Jesus Christ and the love of the Father for this world. Dwelling together in unity is where God commands His blessing and life forevermore. (Ps. 133:3)

    “My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (John 17:20-23)
    The term Racial Fatigue or Racial Battle Fatigue (RBF) was coined by William Smith in the Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Society (2008) It is a theory attributed to the psychological attrition that People of Color experience from the daily battle of deflecting racialized insults, stereotypes, and discrimination. RBF is the cumulative effect of being "on guard" and having to finesse responses to insults, both subtle and covert. Contrary to popular opinion, this is NOT a post-racial society.

    Caucasians experience a different type of Racial Fatigue. They get tired of hearing of and talking about race. Minorities tire of talking about it too, but we are more tired of living with racism -as the ad above from Ferguson, MO suggests. The same holds true for poverty, and the gender inequality revealed in issues like domestic violence and human trafficking. I am an African-American female, who is an orphan, from an urban setting, in the male-dominated field of ministry.  At times the Call to be the 'only one' in settings, or to insert the cause of the disenfranchised into discussions is overwhelming. The deep fractures that exist in this City, the US, and the Church are historical, complicated and necessitate deep, loving and honest discussion toward reconciliation.

    If you are fatigued or weary in doing any of the Lord's work, be encouraged by these Scriptures: "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap of we do not grow weary (if we do not give up)"  (Galatians 6:9) "I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint." (Jeremiah 31:25)

    Wednesday, November 5, 2014

    WEDNESDAY'S WORD - FRUIT- Sadell Bradley 11/5/14

    Fruit is the sweet and fleshy product of a tree that contains seed and can be eaten as food. Figuratively, fruit is the result or reward of work or activity. It derives from the Latin fructus meaning enjoyment of produce, or harvest. To be fruitful means producing much fruit; or producing good of helpful results; productive meaning to make something happen or come into existence using creative, mental, physical, biological or chemical process.  

    God's first command to Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and multiply: "God blessed them; and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth." (Genesis 1:28)

    God is concerned about fruitfulness, about making things happen, about work and it's reward, about seed, time and harvest. Jesus is a fruit inspector who is always looking for and at our fruit. He seeks a return on His investment.  For there to be a reward, there must be labor. If we are not producing fruit (e.g. fulfilling assignments, spreading the Gospel, seeing life and character change, obedience to the Word and Spirit, making disciples, creating), He cuts away what's dead or overgrown, and prunes us for more productivity. Are you experiencing God cut away what's good for what's better or best? Productivity comes from our connection to Jesus, the Vine. 

     “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. You are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you.  Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:1-5)

    Jesus said we would be able to discern false prophets from true by examining their fruit:“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. (Matthew 7:15-20)

    Bad fruit is not edible. It has failed at it's purpose. You can see it is bad while it's growing on the branch.  Or it looks good and ripe but when you take a bite,  you find it tasteless, or sour.  We have the ability to do something about it if our lives are bearing bad fruit. What comes out of us is derivative of what is in us. Have you lost sight of what you're called to? Are you unproductive? Is your character distasteful? You can, “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit." (Matthew 12:33) Do a fruit inspection today!

    Reconnect with Jesus, the Vine. Study and meditate on His Word and be led by and walk in His Spirit.  Allow Him to change your character, get you back on purpose to put forth actions that lead to the production of good fruit.

    Wednesday, October 29, 2014

    WEDNESDAY'S WORD - LATE BLOOMER - Sadell Bradley 10/29/14

    A bloom is a flower, especially one cultivated for it's beauty.  It is also the state or period of the flower's greatest beauty, freshness and vigor.  The Middle English word blomi also means prosperity. To come into bloom, means to produce flowers; figuratively it means to become radiant and glowing or to come into or be in full beauty or health; to flourish.

    Late Bloomer: a person who matures and flourishes at a specified time. When describing children or adolescents, it is a person who develops more slowly than others in their age group but eventually catches up and in some cases overtakes their peers.  In adults it is a or a person whose talents and capabilities are not visible to others until later than usual, or whose talent or genius in a particular field only appears later in life, in some cases only in old age.

    In September, I attended the Habitation Conference sponsored by Christian Recording Artist, William McDowell, a friend who hails from Cincinnati.  It was one of those seminal moments as the presence of God was powerful amongst worshipers of Jesus who were gathered with that single focus.  During our time together, several prophetic Words were spoken specifically to 'Late Bloomers' whose dreams not yet been realized.  The Lord through His prophets said that we were wondering, "Do I still have it?" and thought in our hearts, "My youth has passed me by and God hasn't given me the promise."  Some of those over 40 were encouraged that God still had work for us to do, and that He also wanted us to spiritually parent, support, impart and pour into the next generation.  You can't imagine the relief and joy that I and others gathered had at the love and care of our Father to quiet the noise of doubt and reassure us that He was not done with us yet!

    Caleb and Joshua, were the two spies out of 12 who scouted out the promised land and gave a good report. They were confident that God would allow Israel to possess what He had promised, despite the giants that they'd have to fight.  Because of their faith, Caleb and Joshua received their inheritance in their old age while the other spies died in the wilderness.  Joshua even led the Israelites in the battle for God's promise.

    Caleb said, "Here I am this day, eighty-five years old. As yet I am as strong this day as I was on the day that Moses sent me; just as my strength was then, so now is my strength for war" (Joshua 14:10-11)  He didn't limp into his promise.  He was just as strong, vigorous vital and ready to fight as he was in his youth.  I pray that Bible account, and the list of late bloomers below will be an encouragement to you and to me!
    • Nelson Mandela -became President of South Africa at age 74 after 27 years in prison
    • Martha Stewart - launched Martha Stewart Living Magazine at age 49 after catering a lunch for her ex-husband's publishing firm.
    • Stan Lee didn't start writing his most well known comics until age 43.
    • Julia Child didn't learn to cook until her 40's and her famous TV show was in her 50's.
    • Colonel Harland David Sanders opened Kentucky Fried Chicken at age 65.
    • Anna Mary Robertson Moses -  Grandma Moses the famous American painter, started painting when she was 75
    • Wallace Amos, Jr. - started Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Co. at age 41 
    • Theodore Seuss Geisel - Dr. Seuss- didn't write his famous children's books until his 40's
    • Laura Ingalls Wilder -  became a journalist in her forties, and was 65 years old when she started the Little House on the Prarie series.
    • Actress Kathryn Joosten, who won 2 Emmys for her work on"Desperate Housewives" moved to Hollywood (and in with her son) at age 56 to become an actress.  
    • Raymond Kroc met Maurice and Richard McDonald at age 52 and they opened McDonald's
    • Susan Boyle was 48 when she was discovered on "Britain's Got Talent" with her rendition of "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables and became an international star.
    • Joyce Meyer started Life in the Word radio ministry at age 42 and at age 50 started her television program Enjoying Everyday life.

    Wednesday, October 22, 2014

    WEDNESDAY'S WORD - DILIGENCE - Sadell Bradley 10/22/14

    Diligence is careful and persistent work or effort; having or showing care and conscientiousness in ones work or duties.  Diligent derives from the Latin diligens meaning 'assiduous - showing great care and perseverance' from diligere to "love, or take delight in." We might call a diligent person industrious, thorough, dedicated, committed or hard- working.  A person without diligence would be deemed lazy: unwilling to work or use energy; characterized by lack of effort or care; idle or slothful.

    A sloth a slow-moving tropical American mammal that hangs upside down from the branches of trees using its long limbs and hooked claws. Because of its lethargic nature, the word slothful was made to describe a person who is reluctant to make an effort.  We've all known those people...sometimes we've been those people.  The bible has much to say about diligence vs. laziness and the blessings that are available to the persistent:

    Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring wealth. Proverbs 10:4 The diligent person will rule/lead, but the slothful will become a slave/laborer. Proverbs 12:24 The slacker craves, yet has nothing, but the diligent is fully satisfied. Proverbs 13:4 The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want. Proverbs 21:5

    Our growth, movement and success is directly related to our diligence. Sometimes the promotions we see on our jobs, schools, or in ministry do not have to do with nepotism or favoritism, but the dedicated efforts shown by those who love and take delight in what they do, and show by their enthusiasm by their effort.  Lazy people are rarely promoted, chosen or entrusted with more responsibility.  Diligence in work, in financial stewardship, even in creativity yields the fruit of success in our lives. The Bible also instructs us to use diligence to guard or set a watch over our emotions, decisions and choices. A diligent tracking of where we are can preserve us in difficult situations.  Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23

    It is not enough for us just to have ideas, visions and dreams if there is no diligence. James made it clear that faith without works is dead being alone. (James 2:18; 20; 26) We are to show our full persuasion of belief in the calling, purpose and destiny God has given us by our diligence.  We demonstrate our worship, trust and love for God by seeking and coming to know Him with a diligence that will eventually pay off: But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. (Hebrews 11:6)

    Is diligence the missing ingredient to your success?


    Wednesday, October 15, 2014


    A floodgate is a gate that can be opened or closed to admit or exclude water.  The floodgates are a last restraint holding back an outpouring of something powerful or substantial. In the book of Malachi, the Israelites and the priests in particular, questioned the love of God for them.  God responds by stating that their love for Him has waned and they have defiled and robbed Him in these ways:
    • In Worship: by offering blind, lame and impure offerings and sacrifices on the altar. (Malachi 1:1-14)
    • With False Teachings: that caused many to stumble, showing partiality and not following God's laws. (Malachi 2:1-9) Their blessings were cursed because they dishonored God. They were despised and humiliated by the people losing the Covenant of Peace promised to Levi. 
    • Through Divorce: the literal adultery of the priests and the figurative adultery of Israel against the Lord.  Though they covered the altar with tears, God had witnessed their unfaithfulness to their wives. They did violence to the ones they should be protecting.  (Malachi 2:10-16)
    • Through Injustice: they wearied the Lord by saying that all who do evil are good in the sight of the Lord, and where is the God of justice? (Malachi 2:17)
    • By Speaking Arrogantly Against God: saying it's futile/useless to serve God and follow His requirements when evildoers are prospering and getting away with it. (Malachi 3:13-14)
    • By Withholding Tithes and Offerings: He calls for them to repent/return to Him and stop robbing Him in tithes and offerings.  Dishonoring God as their priority in worship led to lack in God's  storehouse and brought a curse of devouring to the entire nation. (Malachi 3:6-10)
    He says, put Me to the test by bringing ALL the tithes and offerings back to My house, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates or windows of Heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it." He also promises protection, "I will prevent pests from devouring your crops and the vines in your fields will not drop the fruit before it is ripe. And all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land, says the LORD Almighty."

    There are floodgates in Heaven that open and close at God's command.  They are the last restraint before the outpouring of God's substantial blessing!  There is also a restraint in the earth: our disobedience to God's commands and whether we will worship Him.  When our gates are closed, we prohibit God from opening His gates of favor and power.  Could you be blocking your blessing?

    God promises to send His Messenger, who is coming to clean house. He's going to put them on trial. He's going to refine, wash and purify them for: defrauding the laborer in their wages, oppressing orphans and widows, depriving foreigners of justice, and having no reverence for God. (Malachi 3:1-5) But there was a remnant in Israel who still feared the Lord, and spoke to one another and God listened to them.  God remembered them and promised to spare them on the day He would act in judgment.  He would put a distinction between the righteous and the wicked.  (Malachi 3:16-18) To those who revered His name, the Sun of Righteousness (Jesus) would come with healing, restoration and covenant renewal in His wings. He would restore their joy, judge the wicked, cause them to triumph over their enemies and bring reconciliation between fathers and children, and children and fathers.  (Malachi 4:1-5)

    So much of Scripture involves conditions of If... and Then.  Isaiah told Israel, "If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good of the land. But if you refuse and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." (Isaiah 1:19-20) We want God to bless us without restraint, but what are we holding back?


    Wednesday, October 8, 2014

    WEDNESDAY'S WORD - ACTIVE - Sadell Bradley 10/08/2014

    ACTIVE - means engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits; moving about
    vigorously or frequently; doing things for an organization or cause rather than simply giving it one's support; working, operative and in continuous use.  It is the sense of preferring action -doing something to achieve an aim,  to contemplation- looking thoughtfully or planning something for a long time.   

    Have you ever purchased an exercise video or gym membership, but never used it?  Or Maybe you just watched the infomercial and wished that abs would suddenly grow on your body by osmosis! LOL!  Not likely. Nike said it well, "Just Do It!"

    Sherman and I took a personality test called the Strengths Finder and found out one of his gifts is Activation and mine was called Intellection.  It is the perfect combination when it works well, but at times there's tension: he wants to act before something's been thought through and fully believed, or I want to contemplate too long without acting - which turns to procrastination.  James said this:
    What good does it do, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but does not prove it with actions? This kind of faith cannot save him, can it?  Suppose a brother or sister does not have any clothes or daily food and one of you tells them, “Go in peace! Stay warm and eat heartily.” If you do not provide for their bodily needs, what good does it do? In the same way, faith by itself, if it does not prove itself with actions, is dead. But someone may say, “You have faith, and I have actions.” Show me your faith without any actions, and I will show you my faith by my actions." (James 2:14-18, ISV) 
    If I look at your actions, will I see your faith? Can I trace them back and see what you're believing God for without you even opening your mouth? We need to both BELIEVE & ACT!!! It is not sufficient for us to just  do one or the other.  Sometimes it's not enough to just cheer and tell your friend/family member/boss/co-worker/or even your pastor "Go for it! I believe in you. I'm with you in spirit! I'm praying for you!" Sometimes you need to DO something(s) that show your support. 

    Have you ever met the guy who is always talking about his latest idea and what he's 'bout to do....Or the lady who has started a bunch of projects, businesses or ideas...but nothing ever sticks. Acting without thinking, planning and being fully persuaded is presumption.  Just thinking, believing, planning and meditating without acting is lifeless and barren. "For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without actions is also dead." (James 2:26) This might be the time to integrate these essential parts of our personality and see God successfully accomplish through us many things that have been on hold....and that's exciting!!

    Friday, October 3, 2014

    My Thoughts on Atonement...Since it's the Day of Atonment

    Atonement, the 2007 movie starring Kiera Knightley, James McAvoy and Vanessa Redgrave detailsthe story of a young woman Briony, who has a crush on Robbie, the son of a family servant. Robbie is in a heated love relationship with Briony's older sister Cecilia.  Long story short, Briony catches them in a tryst and in a jealous rage, later falsely accuses Robbie of a crime - the raping of her cousin Lola in a nearby field. Robbie is sent away to prison and ultimately to war to die.  This separates him from his only love, Cecilia. Briony, a budding and soon to be famous author, devotes the latter part of her life to making amends by re-telling the story in fiction so that the two lovebirds end up happily ever after despite her jealousy, lies and deceit. Through her writings she works to atone for the wrong she has least in her imagination.  The movie's tag says..."Joined by love, separated by fear, redeemed by hope."

    Atonement means reparation for a wrong or injury. In religious contexts, it is expiation: to appease by a sacrifice for sin.  Teachers illustrate by separating it to AT-ONE-MENT - a sacrifice that puts relationships between God and man, and individuals back together in unity again after a sin or transgression.  The restoring of relationships is called reconciliation.  When we reconcile, we are stating that, "God is not counting your sin against you... and neither am I." (2 Corinthians 5:19)

    Today, Jews around the world observe Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement, which celebrates the
    forgiveness God extended to Israel through Moses' intercession, after they created the idol of the golden calf while Moses was receiving the Law on Mount Sinai. (Exodus 32) It is the yearly sacred day when Jews, after having settled accounts with one another, bring their wrongs before God for His forgiveness through repentance.  It is a day of strict rest. The High Priest entered the Most Holy Place only once a year to atone for his own sins and the sins of the people with the blood sacrifice of an animal to cover their transgressions and appease God. (Hebrews 9:7) According to the Law, everything was purified and cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. (vs. 22) 

    When you look at a picture of an animal sacrifice, it is hard not to think of the anguish of the innocent lamb led to the slaughter for the sins of people he does not even know.  It is also difficult to escape the gory bloody mess that is created to atone for sin.  We can almost imagine the shrieks of the lamb and the stench of the blood and guts as they are torn from him.  It's important to think about these things to grasp just how filthy sin is and how much it costs to right what's wrong.

    We begin to understand what the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary's Cross really meant for us. This forgiveness is not something for which we could ever work! Jesus mediated for God to forgive us just like Moses did. Paul writes in verses 12-14:

    He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption. The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!...

    Thank God that Jesus, the precious Lamb of God, didn't have to do it yearly!  Jesus Christ has appeared once for all the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself (vs. 25b)  He suffered the greatest anguish and was marred more than any other man in order to redeem us! We don't have to make up a story to ease the guilt of our consciences for the wrongs we've done.  We have HIS STORY that not only covers, but has removed all of our sin and it's eternal penalty forever!! So thank God today for the indescribable gift of ATONEMENT through Jesus Christ!!

    Wednesday, October 1, 2014


    Strength is the quality or state of being strong:
    • Physical: having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks or actions well and powerfully. Like these triathletes.
    • Internal: able to withstand great force or pressure; not easily affected by disease or hardship; not easily disturbed, upset, or affected.
    • Motivational: showing determination, self-control and good judgment.
    Strength is not just physical power and energy but the emotional or mental qualities necessary to deal with situations or events that are distressing or difficult with grace and wisdom.

    We hold being strong in very high esteem.  From physical feats like triathlons, yoga, and body-building, to emotional bravery such as teaching little boys not to cry when upset...we value at least the idea of being strong.  "Never let them see you sweat," is the admonition we give to mask any vulnerability we might be feeling. Having weakness is undesirable; showing weakness is deplorable. Christ-followers have a different perspective on strength. The psalmist wrote:
    "God IS (emphasis added) our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling. Selah." (Selah means pause and think about that) [Psalm 46:1-3]
    God does not just have strength.  He does not just give us strength. He IS our strength.  He IS our ability to withstand pressure without being easily disturbed.  He IS our capacity be determined and demonstrate good judgment and self-control through arduous circumstances.  Without Him, we would give way to fear and pressure in the time of trouble. With Him as an ever-present help, we can stand and endure.

    Paul faced a difficulty that he would have to suffer long-term.  He called it 'a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet' him so that he would not become prideful about the greatness of revelation he was receiving. A thorn is a regular source of pain, discomfort, irritation or annoyance, or an obstacle that won't go away. It was something God was allowing, though Paul asked Him three times to be relieved of the humbling issue. The Lord's reply was NO! (yeah, that happens). He told Paul, My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  
    Paul's response to this NO was so counter-cultural to human nature, "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. (2 Cor. 12:9-10)
    Instead of shunning his weaknesses and trying situations, Paul celebrated them! This posture displayed his utter dependence on Christ for power and strength. We can adopt the same conviction when we face Satan's assaults. "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes." (Ephesians 6:10-11)

    Wednesday, September 24, 2014


    Significance is the quality of being worthy of attention; importance.  It is the quality of having notable worth or influence.  It comes from Latin significare - to indicate, or portend. Portend means to be a sign that something is likely to happen.  Sign is also the root word of significance.

    We all are on a quest for significance.  We desire to not just be another face in the crowd, but to be singly known, loved, appreciated and deemed worthy inside of ourselves, to others and to God.  There are times when we look at the mundane nature of life, the daily process patterns with which we are engaged and wonder, "Is this it? Is this all that my life will be about? Am I a nobody? Would anyone really miss me if I were gone?"

    We look into the eyes of our loved ones to see if they think we're worthy of their attention.  The pain and loneliness of isolation and rejection are too much to bear.  The questions, "Do you love me?" or "Do you think I'm special?" "Do I matter?" though rarely spoken, are pervasive at home, in school, in the workplace and even in church. We want to be of NOTABLE worth to others...and to God.

    On Sunday, we taught that the currency of the Kingdom of God is love.  Love is what is of value and worth.  God defines love in this way in 1 John 4:10 "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." We quote John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."  It would seem clear by these two passages alone, that God thinks you are pretty significant. We gloss over the magnitude of this demonstration of love and try to bring God down to our terms and conditions.  "God, if You loved me, You would do X....," "If God loved me, He would have allowed Y..." "If I get this promotion, I'm happy because God loves me...."  "If I get married, I know God loves me..."  and conversely if God doesn't do what we want...He doesn't love us.  But God has already delineated the terms of His Great love.  Can you imagine literally giving one of your children to die so another your enemy could live?  Would that person ever ask you for another thing?  Would they question whether or not they were significant to you? Whether your relationship to them was real? Whether or not you loved them?  Wouldn't they be willing to give you anything?

    Paul said it this way, "You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 8:6-8) We look for significance in many places that are really about our own performance: success in our families or careers, what kind of home we own, how much money we have in the bank, fame, power, and notoriety, etc. God established your importance and value at Calvary. Your existence influenced Him to send His one and only Son to die for you! Until we all see the CROSS as the foundation for, and basis of our significance: we will continue to be on a never-ending search for what we've had all along...

    Wednesday, September 17, 2014

    Wednesday's Word - OVERRIDE - 09/17/14

    You're invited to tonight's New Life Covenant Mid-Week Study - Crash the Chatterbox - Hearing God's Voice Above All Others. 7 PM at Taft High School 420 Ezzard Charles Drive 4214. Enter through the Rear Parking lot.  TONIGHT's topic is Overcoming FEAR.  You don't want to miss it!

    I was teaching on the Vision Statement of New Life Covenant: a church for the hurting...because everybody wants to be F.R.E.E. (Favored, Restored, Equipped & Empowered). We need to be FREE to do God's will in the earth.  Favor (blessings that are undeserved, or overgenerous preferential treatment) should be a part of the expectation of a Kingdom Citizen. God grants His children favor!

    But let all who take refuge in You be glad, Let them ever sing for joy; And may You shelter them, That those who love Your name may exult in You.  For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with shield.  Proverbs 5:11-12

    At the hotel, check-in time was 4:00 PM, it was about 1:00 PM and I went in to see if early check-in was possible.  The clerk said, yes.  I'd reserved a room on a discount online site.  I desired a King bed, so I asked if one might be available, to which she responded curtly, "No, your reservation only allows for a double. That's why they gave it to you!" I replied, "Ok. That's fine."  So she began to give me the room key 249. I asked, "For this room should I park in the front or in the back?"  "Oh, you've been here before?" "Yes, this is my third time." "You like it here?" "Yes, it's fine.  It would be better with a King bed though, " I joked.  She smiled and I watched her switch the room card to 211.  "Mrs. Bradley, I'm going to use my authority as a manager to OVERRIDE the room type for you."

    To override means to use one's authority to interrupt, reject or cancel an action, or decision.  In government, policies are overridden by veto or by winning more votes.  In industry, an override is a device for suspending the automatic function on a machine. In the Christian life, an override means that God will use His authority to interrupt, reject or cancel something in order to do something HE DEEMS more important!
    • Abraham and Sarah schemed to have a male heir through a surrogate: their maid Hagar.  God allowed them to have the child, then did a rejection override, "This man will not be your heir. but a son who is your own flesh and blood (Isaac) will be your heir." Genesis 15:4
    •  Later, God instructs Abraham to take Isaac and sacrifice him on the altar.  When Abraham reaches out his hand and takes a knife to slay his son, he experiences an interruption ovveride of the greatest proportions. The Angel of the LORD calls out to him from Heaven. "Abraham! Abraham!" "Here I am," he replies. "Do not lay a hand on the boy," he said. "Do not do anything to him.  Now, I know you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son." Gen. 22:10-12
    • Peter, a devout Jew, ate only Kosher food. In a Vision, the Lord tells him to now eat four-footed animals, crawling creatures and birds. "Get up, Peter, kill and eat!" Peter protests, "By no means, Lord, for I have never eaten anything unholy or unclean." The voice comes again, "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy." Acts 10:12-14 This cancelling override signaled the God's intention to include the Gentiles in His family.
    Christ followers must be pliable in the hand of the Potter.  (Jeremiah 18:1-6)
    Jeremiah sees a pot being molded on the potter's wheel. The potter's pot did not turn out as he'd hoped, so he crushed it back to a lump of clay and re-made another vessel as seemed best to him.  Our immutable God never changes...but He changes situations and people.  I wonder if I would have killed Isaac because, "God told me to do this," and I couldn't or wouldn't let it go. What if God wants something different now? Can He re-direct you? Are you open to His override? 

    WEDNESDAY'S WORD - WAIT - Sadell Bradley - 03/05/2025

      WEDNESDAY'S WORD WAIT 03/05/2025   "Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." — W...