There's a lot of talk about choice going on. Yesterday, US citizens chose which candidates will run in the next general election. The US Supreme Court is choosing to overturn the landmark abortion decision Roe v. Wade, about a woman's right to choose on reproduction.The Federal government has chosen to hike up interest rates by .5% to curb inflation...and a record 4.5 million Americans chose to quit their jobs in March. Everyone is CHOOSING - which means to select or decide to act upon the best or most appropriate of two or more alternatives. How to make wise choices is something (like financial literacy) we should have been taught school. Because our lives are made up of the sum total of our choices.

Our walk with God is all about choosing. Jesus' twelve disciples answered His call to "Follow Me," in Mark 1:17 affirmatively, but the rich young ruler in Mark 10:22 went away sorrowfully when given the same choice to be a disciple...because he didn't want to part with his possessions. One of the beautiful things about Christianity is that God even gives us the free will to choose Him...or not. Yes, He wants us, and He beckons us; but He does not choose for us. Throughout Scripture, we see people deciding if, or just how far they will go in hearing and obeying the LORD's commands. We are daily choosing to adhere to or reject the various instructions given to us by God's Word. Sometimes our bad choices have had a negative impact on others.

God allows us to choose, and He is not at all intimidated, or lessened by our choices. Choosing is a part of worship—which is voluntarily expressing the love, worth, respect, and reverential fear you hold for God by your obedience to His commands, (John 14:15). Nobody wants a forced return of love...not even God. That's why He frees us to choose. Still, Moses warned the Israelites when they entered into the prosperous promised land— not to forget the God who brought them there. Abandoning God in times of plenty and peace, when things are going well, is easy to do. Moses cautioned Israel that favor would accompany their obedience and that there would be consequences for their disobedience. God wasn't going to choose for them. He said, "This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." (Deut. 30:19) Moses warned them— the choices you make now will not only impact you, but generations to follow, so choose wisely.