"Every day is different; you never know what to expect, and you have to be ready to pivot on a dime" - Kris Jenner
It's NBA finals season, and any true basketball fan knows what a pivot is in the game. A dribbling player who stops, or a player that is stationary with the ball, can move it in any direction in order to pass to another player, or shoot themselves if one of their feet is still in contact with the floor. As they're pivoting, they are looking for the best opportunity/option that will make the team successful in scoring. To PIVOT means to turn as if on a pivot-the central point on which a mechanism oscillates.
If you're a fan of the TV show "Friends" you probably remember this scene when Ross, Rachel, and Chandler attempt to move Ross' new couch up the stairs into his apartment. He yells Pivot! Pivaaat! Pivaaat! to no avail. Sometimes it's clear that what you're doing is not working. You need to change something, go a different direction, or try something new. Ross wanted that couch so badly that he decided to saw it in half to get it up the stairs, then later tried to return it to the store, LOL! It's a hilarious scene, but his failure to pivot caused him to lose his dignity, his couch and his money. Do you need to pivot or are you being stubborn?
I taught a class of entrepreneurs the concept of the PIVOT in business, (video) a term coined by Eric Reis, author of "The Lean Start Up." He defines a PIVOT as a change in strategy without a change in vision. "The vision is the end you have in mind. When you're driving, GPS guides you to the destination. If you run into an obstacle, you don't just drive your car into the obstacle over and over again in the hopes that it will be fine. You, with the help of your GPS, find a way around. Startups that succeed do that really well. They start up with an idea that sounds good, but ends up being really terrible." Did you know that Youtube started as a dating site? Or that Groupon was at first a site that helped people do protest petitions? Click on the video above and you'll be amazed. Upon reflection, you might find that you don't need to give up on your ultimate vision, just change the way you get there.
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In this great article, Glenn Bleakney explains 3 ways God works to move us in another direction: The Disruption of Plans, The Dissipation of Resources, and the Dissolution of Relationships. In Acts 16:6-7, Paul describes the disruption of plans, "They went through the region of Phrygia and Galatia and were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to speak the word in Asia. When they came near Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not allow them." During Israel's famine, Elijah is provided for supernaturally by the Ravens near a brook. Eventually, the brook dries up, his resources are dissipated, and he is directed by the LORD to go to a widow in Zarephath who will provide for him. (1 Kings 17:8-9) Sometimes God will put you in a transitional situation like Joseph in Potiphar's house (Genesis 39). At first everything is great, but eventually something goes awry that drastically changes or even dissolves the relationship. This ultimately pushes you forward in direction. A push that seemed negative at first, led Joseph to his calling and destiny. God orchestrates pivots!