Wednesday, January 31, 2018

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - ANONYMITY - Sadell Bradley - 1/31/18 - New Life Covenant Cincinnati

"I wanted to have the adoration of John Lennon but have the anonymity of Ringo Starr. I didn't want to be a front man. I just wanted to be back there and still be a rock and roll star at the same time." - Kurt Cobain 
Anonymity has always been important to me. My son asked me to record a Facebook Live worship video. I recoiled in horror at the thought, not because I believe there is anything inherently wrong with it; it just isn't my cup of tea. I take very few selfies. I don't release videos of myself pontificating. I prefer writing. Though my picture is atop the blog, I'm not seen or heard and I can edit. : ) He asked, "What's the difference between doing a FB Live and having your blog read thousands of times?" A LOT! Most people still have no idea who I am in public until introduced. Historically, I've wanted to make a significant impact without drawing attention. ANONYMITY
is the condition of being anonymous- not identified, or of unknown name. In the past I've embraced behind the scenes work more than the forefront, and enjoyed being an unrecognized person of influence. This quote from the Wizard of Oz has been a favorite, "Pay no attention to the man (woman) behind the curtain!"  Marla Maples, President Trump's second wife said, "The problem with losing your anonymity is that you can never go back." That is all too real to me, but these days the LORD is challenging my desires for anonymity. 
Many Biblical personages were not background folks, and if they were...God brought them to the forefront. Newly appointed king Saul was hiding where the supplies were stored when he was summoned. (1 Sam. 10:22) Gideon replied, "Who me?" when God called him a mighty man of valor, despite his base heritage (Judges 6) Jesus called His greatest leaders walking the beach (Matt. 4:18-22), from a tax office (Matthew 5:27-32), under a fig tree (John 1:29), and along the Damascus road. (Acts 9) Eventually they would end up preaching and healing in synagogues, city squares, before governments and kings. Ignoble sheep herders, orphans and felons became monarchs and deliverers. Abram, though separated from his father's house, would be blessed. His name would be made great. He would have numerous seed who would be a blessing to all the families of the earth. (Gen 12:1-3;15:5-6, 17:5-8) Despite being an orphan, Esther was chosen to come out of the shadows and free her people not as an ordinary maid, but as an extraordinary queen poised to be in the kingdom, "for a time such as this." (Est. 4:14)  
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt. 5:14-16) 
The key words for me are...LET and SEE! The light it shining, but no one can see it because you want anonymity. The town is being built, but you're doing it in secret. Stop covering up the light, and stop building underground. Overcome your shyness, introversion, insecurities, hiding or whatever is holding you back; SHINE, get on the lampstand and LET THEM SEE! Most important, give folks a chance by seeing you to glorify the Father in Heaven. To Him be all praise now and forever! 
SUNDAY Worship
11:00 AM Worship
The Great Room
Sunday Class
9:30 AM Youth Room Basement
at Wyoming Presbyterian
225 Wyoming Ave., 45215

For information 513-212-1131

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - MEMORIES - 01/24/18 Sadell Bradley - New Life Covenant Cincinnati

"The most beautiful things are not associated with money; they are memories and moments. If you don't celebrate those, they can pass you by." - Alek Wek - Sudanese Model  
I have a lot to say about MEMORIES this week. We are grateful for your love and support in the passing of Sherman's mother, Jewell Henderson. Folks near and far have shared
fond remembrances of her. As a minister, I've attended many home-going celebrations. I am encouraged that at these times we make an effort to highlight our best memories of our loved ones. We would do well to uphold that same practice with those we engage every day. MEMORIES are recollections from the past. It's amazing what we the old hymns we sang to usher Ms. Jewell into the presence of the Lord. I recall that several years ago in the same location, another group of family members joined as a beautiful choir doing the exact same thing for my friend Marcia Caulton. Both women led lives that have left a positive legacy. Scripture says,"We have happy memories of the godly, but the name of a wicked person rots away." (Proverbs 10:7, NLT)       

Many of us struggle with overcoming negative memories. Perhaps they're from past sins or regrets, or abuses and wrongs that have been perpetrated against us. I
am glad God's mercy doesn't give us what we deserve."For I will forgive their wickedness and I will remember their sins no more." (Hebrews 8:12) The Lord's justice makes the right decisions for vindication, restitution and restoration whether now in this life or in the one to come. Christ commands us not to retain or hold on to unforgiving memories, but to forgive, remit or release the sins of others. (John 20:23) Even the guilty thief on the Cross was granted a pardon and paradise. He asked Jesus, "Remember me when You come into Your Kingdom." (Luke 23:42)   

Our anxieties and wounds are often no longer about the incidents themselves, but how we remember, replay and retain them. The LORD is a healer of broken memories. The Holy Spirit brings Jesus' Words to our remembrance when we need them. (John 14:26)  Christ commands us to withhold judgment and condemnation, to forgive and expect the same gift to be given to us pressed down, shaken together and running over. (Luke 6:37-38) David memorized Scripture for holiness, "I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11) We can heal by concentrating on things that are true, lovely, and of good report. (Phil. 4:4-9)   
Memories can be very tricky. When I go home to visit my mother who is ailing, I experience the difficult loss of her memories. Though her spirit is
still very strong and she is definitely the person she's always been, her recollection of events and people toggles from clarity to a fog. It's a good idea to do all we can to hold our greatest memories in our hearts, in photos, videos, or journals. You never know what a day may hold. More than 20 years ago, I began to practice with my mom and now with Sherman and Robert saying I love you at the end of conversations. I also try to greet and leave them with a hug or a kiss that says you mean the world to me. I want the last and most remembered words my mom and I speak to be,"I love you."  

SUNDAY Worship
11:00 AM Worship
The Great Room
Sunday Class
9:30 AM Youth Room Basement
at Wyoming Presbyterian
225 Wyoming Ave., 45215

For information 513-212-1131

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - LIFT - 01/17/18 - Sadell Bradley - New Life Covenant Cincinnati

"There is no better exercise for your heart than reaching down  
and helping to lift someone up" - Bernard Meltzer 
Say the word LIFT out loud. Don't you love the lilt it creates on the tongue? the airy breath of the vowel sound? and the hard T that makes it complete? LIFT's
meaning is as refreshing and hopeful as it sounds: to raise to a higher position or level; to move one's eyes or face upward to look at; to increase; to raise a person's spirits or confidence; to encourage or cheer. Whether we're referring to a plane 'lifting off,' someone 'giving us a lift,' or 'lifting their fingers' to help us with a task; much of the idea of LIFTING denotes rising, releasing, improving, assisting or lightening the load. In worship our hands are lifted to bless the LORD, our songs and words of praise are lifted...and as a result our burdens and anxieties are lifted. It takes humility to admit that sometimes we need to be lifted out of a situation or disposition. James said, "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up." (James 4:10) Jesus proclaimed that He must be lifted up on the Cross for the healing and forgiveness of all mankind. (John 3:14) The finished work of Calvary lifted the sinking load of sin and despair from all of us.  As the hymn writer declared, "Love lifted me, when nothing else could help, love lifted me!"  

In Britain an elevator is called a LIFT. Elevation makes me think of going higher in God. As we gather in fellowship and ascend to the high places in worship,
we are LIFTED. When we have loving and trustworthy companions we are buoyed, "Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. but woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up." (Ecc. 4:9-10) People in Kingdom communities boost one another when they're down.  You might be surprised to discover that your friends, family members, co-workers and fellow parishioners need a LIFT. Or maybe you're the one who craves the kind of spiritual or emotional pick-me-up that's found in the presence of the LORD and in the companionship of His people.  How can you seize the opportunity to LIFT someone this week?  
Tomorrow Night at 7:00 PM we are hosting LIFT - it's a gathering for worship, fellowship, inspiration and intercession with friends. If you need a LIFT, come out!  225 Wyoming Ave., 45215  JOIN US FOR LIFT  
SUNDAY Worship
11:00 AM Worship
The Great Room
Sunday Class
9:30 AM Youth Room Basement
at Wyoming Presbyterian
225 Wyoming Ave., 45215

For information 513-212-1131

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - RESURGENCE - Sadell Bradley - New Life Covenant Cincinnati

"Neo, I'm not afraid anymore! The Oracle told me I would fall in love, and that man, the man that I loved, would be The One. So, you see, you can't be can't be... Because I love you! You hear me? I LOVE YOU! Now, get up!" - Trinity in the Matrix
Anyone who is a fan of the Matrix's pre-apocalyptic trilogy of movies is familiar with this scene. Soldier Trinity has been told by the prophetic Oracle that she will fall in love with "The One," who will save everyone in Zion.  She tumbles head over heels for a fellow soldier, Neo. One day Neo engages in battle and dies until her kiss resurrects him. Was he 'The One' before she kissed him? or did her faith-filled kiss make it so? Hmm. Neo's body shakes back to life, and you see surges of electrical light crackling - signifying revival and the renewal of hope for the world's deliverance and their love. Powerful stuff for 1999...I remember our whole church at the time going to see the movie and marveling over its prophetic significance. RESURGENCE means an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence. That is a prophetic theme for us in 2018.   
God is into RESURGENCES. Noah built the ark and preached for over 100 years with no one heeding a single word. After God destroyed the wicked by flood, Noah's family was saved. The
earth was renewed and mankind was given another chance at life. (Gen.5-10) After Job's commitment to worship God no matter what was tested by the devil; he was found faithful. God restored his household and his fortunes until his latter state was greater than his former. (Job:42:12)  Moses took flight in shame after wrongfully killing an Egyptian. He was put on a humbling shelf of inactivity for 40 years - then had a resurgence of his call to be Israel's leader and deliverer. (Exodus 3-4) The betrayal of Joseph by his brothers turned the favored son into a slave and then a prisoner for 13 years, until the time of resurgence elevated him to a place of prominence, power, prosperity and popularity in a single day. (Gen. 37-50)  
It wasn't that these folks were inactive, they were just under the radar. Noah was obediently building and preaching for a century while everyone mocked, but HE was the only one that survived! Job was so afflicted that his friends and wife thought he'd done something wrong. They didn't know that the suffering he experienced was a positive affirmation of his godliness soon to be revealed, not a negative punishment or a failure. Moses' dormant 40 year sheep-herding stint was changing his character to qualify him to be one
of the greatest leaders of all time. Joseph was learning how to forgive, to serve faithfully and be gracious, because was destined to rule and to redeem his family. You can't have a resurgence if you've never been inert, inactive, or unpopular. You have to have at least seemed dead, or failing to others for a nice long season. To you, you've been faithfully plugging and plowing away or been stagnant for years or even decades. Announcement! NOW is the time of your RESURGENCE!  
SUNDAY Worship
11:00 AM Worship
The Great Room
Sunday Class
9:30 AM Youth Room Basement
at Wyoming Presbyterian
225 Wyoming Ave., 45215

For information 513-212-1131

WEDNESDAY'S WORD - WAIT - Sadell Bradley - 03/05/2025

  WEDNESDAY'S WORD WAIT 03/05/2025   "Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." — W...