Adoption means to legally take another's child and bring it up as one's own,
to assume an attitude or position, to assume or accept responsibility
for, to formally approve or accept, to start to use or follow (an idea,
method, or course of action). It derives from the Latin
adoptare meaning
to choose.
Yesterday, we celebrated my adoptive mother Marion's 89th birthday in
Philly, which makes me a bit nostalgic about the choice that she made to
adopt me when she was a single school teacher many years ago. Adoptions, both
legal and assumed are a big part of my family's history. My
grandparents, George and Sadell, took in one of my aunts, Violet, when
she was a teenager estranged from her parents. My cousin Josh was
adopted as a baby, and Sherman and I have adopted Robert.
All of the meanings of adoption are important, but the word choose is crucial. Jesus said of His family of disciples,
"You did not choose Me, I chose you."
(John 15:6) Adoptions are not unwanted pregnancies, nor are people
forced to adopt. A desire is there, and decisions are made and acted upon
that are not random. They change the life of the person and their parent(s)
forever. The day my mom went into the agency, she saw many children
but decided I was the one she would choose to love and care for until
she dies. The bible says that God
"sets the solitary in families." He
"makes a home for the lonely."
(Psalm 68:6) Adoptive families, like all other families are by no means
perfect. Most people understand that children and young people who
have been rejected, abandoned and sometimes abused carry scars from
trauma into the new family.
But everyone involved must make adjustments internally, and explanations for others external of them to grasp the nature of the new relationship.
My mother's bravery is inspiring because single people were not
encouraged to adopt then. It was a blessing that my aunt and grandfather
were also in the home to help to raise me.
Jesus said believing on, and following Him as Messiah was going to cost us everything - including perhaps some family relationships.
People would be orphaned by this decision and then be grafted into His
new family. He said that even His own mother, and sister would not be
presumed by blood ties but would become,
"Whoever does the will of God" (Mark 3:35):
said, "Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or
brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My
sake and for the gospel's sake,but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life. (Mark 10:29-30)
God the Father's intent and choice is to adopt those who follow Jesus as
His children.
He has taken us out of the realm of the fear, rejection and emotional
displacement we have experienced in this world. He has given us the
Spirit of Adoption and has become our Father.
He gives us acceptance in His beloved family, people of all nations, tribes and languages who believe.
Not only that, but just as I will receive an inheritance from my
mother, God makes us His heirs and gives us His inheritance through
Christ Jesus. (Eph. 1:6; Rom. 8:14-17) It is GOOD NEWS that we no longer
have to be solitary, love is available to us!
salute my mom, my family and all of those who have officially adopted,
fostered, or taken in someone who was bereft of family connections to
demonstrate the Love of Christ in a tangible and eternal way!! May you be rewarded for your faithfulness!!
New Life Covenant is a multi-ethnic, inter-generational and
multi-class community. We are a church for the hurting...because everybody wants to be F.R.E.E!
Urban Artifact
1660 Blue Rock Street, 45223
Sunday, August 30th
11:00 AM
BRUNCH $10 by
Anointed for This (served at noon)